Frequently asked Questions
What is hypnotherapy?
Is hypnotherapy safe?
Absolutely, hypnosis is one of the oldest healing approaches in history. It has been around for over 200 years. did you know that the hypnotic state is one of the most natural states we experience? when you're driving, reading a book, watching a movie, you're in a naturally light hypnotic state. The moment you wake up and the moment before you sleep you're in a deeper hypnotic state.
Do you the therapist have control over me in hypnosis?
No, I have no control beyond facilitating a secure and deeply safe place for you.
The element of control and hypnosis is associated with stage hypnosis or hypnosis for entertainment. this is an entirely different modality which I do not use in my work.
What if it doesn't work?
Can I do other therapies whilst doing hypnosis sessions?
How much do sessions cost?